
Bin Night Just Got Easier With This Ingenious TikTok Hack

For years we have had to decide, after every bin night, do we struggle with one trip from the curb, or do it in two separate trips? Well struggle no more as a tradie on TikTok has gone viral with his ingenious method.

Kyle Hume, the genius, has shared his method of collecting his bins in one go and once you'll see it you won't believe it was there the whole time.

The method is to simply place one bin in front of the other, and, with the bin in front, open its lid and capture it in the bin behind. Then, once the lid is securely in place, tilt the bin backwards and voila, you're only making one trip back to the house so why even worry about getting out of your Uggs for this?

Of course, this only works if both your bins are the same size, but progress is progress, and don't just take our word for it, TikTok users are also amazed.

"I've learned more on TikTok about adulting than I ever did in school," said one impressed user.

"My dad is going to be flabbergasted when I show him this," said one child who honestly, if you're old enough to be on TikTok and say "flabbergasted" you're old enough to get your dads bins in for him.

But of course, it wouldn't be the Internet without people complaining.

"Don't you have two arms?" questioned one less impressed user, not understanding the beauty in two wheelie bins interlocking and going for a ride.

But forget the haters Kyle Hume, we think you're a genius, and we can't wait until next week's bin night to try this out. If someone could just remind me if it is recycling or green waste, that would be a big help…